Hungary spent 1.2 bn EUR on defending the borders against migrants

The number of migrants attempting to illegally enter the European Union through the Western Balkans is rising rapidly and has exceeded 82,000 to date this year, Hungary’s foreign ministry cited the minister, Péter Szijjártó, as saying at a Vienna conference on migration on Tuesday.
Attempts to cross the border are recorded day by day in Hungary, he said, noting that the government had spent 1.2 billion euros on defending the borders since 2015. Szijjártó noted that six years ago the European Union had harshly criticised Hungary’s government for erecting a fence along the southern border, with some going as far as to compare the country to the darkest dictatorial regimes of the 20th century.
“Now the same countries are roundly praising those who are building fences to defend the EU’s external borders,”
he said.

Szijjártó expressed concern over “irresponsible statements by Brussels institutions and western European politicians” that can be interpreted as “an invitation” by those heading for Europe for reasons whatsoever. The situation is even more tense than it was in 2015 as the four million internally displaced persons who most probably wish to leave Afghanistan are expected to increase migratory pressure, he said.
The minister reiterated that mandatory migrant quotas should be discarded once and for all, and no one should encourage potential migrants to leave their homeland.
“To be honest, sometimes I don’t know if the Brussels bureaucrats want to halt or encourage migration,”
he said.

    Szijjarto said that migration policy should remain under national control, with a
Czech Police Hungary Border Control
Read also50 Czech policemen help Hungary’s border patrol


  1. Hungary spent 1.2 bn EUR on defending the borders against migrants”

    EU should reimburse Hungary and thank Hungary for doing the job they should be doing instead of harassing Hungary.

  2. Great Britain does not want anymore illegal migrants. The list includes Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary who do not want anymore illegals. It seems that EU countries are talking from both sides of their mouth when say they are against border walls and border protection. These countries, listed above quietly thank Hungary for protecting the border. It is much cheaper to protect the Hungarian border that support 400+ thousand illegal, lawbreaking criminals like in 2015.


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